
Thursday, November 25, 2004

Shop 'til you drop!!

When we enter the mall, most of us marvel at the new inventions and stare in desire at the new fashions. While we are there, syaitan has a field day. Everything is so hypnotizing that we are often not fully concious of our thoughts and actions. The only time we snap out it is when we are holding the receipt for our purchase and walking back to our car.

As if he knew our situation, the Prophet sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam told us to say a du'a before entering the marketplace. That way we can direct our minds to remember Allah subhanahu wata'ala helps us to keep things in perspective as we buy only what we need. It reminds us to save our hard-earned money to donate for Allah subhanahu wata'ala sake or help someone less fortunate than us, rather than spend it frivolously on things that we don't really need. Often we are amazed to find new gadgets. However, that amazement short lived when we remember that the entire kingdom belongs to Allah subhanahu wata'ala. That is more amazing than any man-made products which are also inspired by Allah subhanahu wata'ala. In His hands are all good things and He is capable of everything.

So don't fall into the trance the next time you go shopping. Instead focus and remember Allah subhanahu wata'ala no matter where you are. Allah subhanahu wata'ala has made it easy for us. He will forgive our sins if we just stop, focus and remember Him! So, let's remember the following du'a to enhance our shopping adventure:

"La ilaha illallahu wahdahu la sharikalahu, lahul mulku, walahul hamdu, yuhyi wayumitu wahuwa hayyul la yamutu biyadihil khairu wahuwa 'ala kulli syai in qadir"

Meaning : There is no one who deserves to be worshipped, but Allah alone without partners. To Him belongs
the kingdom and to Him belongs all praise. He gives life and death and He is alive and does not die.
In His hands is all the good and He is capable of everything.

'Umar ibn Al-Khattab radiyallahu 'anhu narrated that the Prophet sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam said, "Whoever enters the marketplace and says - There is no one deserves to be worshipped, but Allah alone without partners. To Him belongs the kingdom and to Him belongs all praise. He gives life and death and He is alive and does not die. In His hands is all the good and He is capable of everything - Allah will record one million good deeds for him, will erase one million bad deeds for him and will raise him one million degrees higher in paradise"

taken from the book : Remember Me and I Will Remember You - Drawing Closer to Allah
Written by : Safi Khan and Samira Hingoro

Monday, November 22, 2004

Take time to think, for it is the source of power

Take time to play, for it is the cistern of perpetual youth

Take time to read, for it is the foundation of wisdom

Take time to pray, for it is the greatest power on earth

Take time to love and be loved, for iman is nothing but love and hate

Take time to be friendly, for it is the road to happiness

Take time to laugh, for it is the best lubricant

Take time to give, for life is too short to be selfish

Take time to work, for it is the price of success


Never take time to waste, Rasulullah s.a.w said:-

by Hisham Altalib
from the book : Training Guide for Islamic Workers

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam

As salam u alaikum wa rahmatullah !

The blessed month of Ramadhaan is about to leave us. The delightful days and fragrant nights are coming to an end.The month of Taqwa , Taraweeh, Prayers and fasting going to leave us .......It is the time we must take a look at our efforts we made through .......as well the time to make a decision how to stay steadfast and live after Ramadhaan .........in deed.

  • We must do a thorough introspection as to what and how much we gained during these blessed days ?
  • What was the level of sincereity in our prayers and actions ?as sincerity of intention ,that its only for Allah's pleasure , is necessary for acceptance of a deed.
  • Have we fulfilled the requirements of taqwa and developed god-fearing ?as gaining Taqwa is the main objective of this 30 days training,Ramadan.While fasting we don't eat ,drink,refrain from forbidden things,even when no one is there to watch us,coz we know Our Allah is seeing us every where. This develops & should develop in us God fearing(taqwa) that ,we even after Ramadan ,all our life long,never do evil ,wrong deeds,as no human might be there to watch us,BUT ALLAH ,always keep an eye on us,what we r doing or even thinking to do.
  • Have we left one or all of our sinful habits for ever ?
  • Have we become successful in crushing the undying and lusty desires of our Nafs ?
  • Have we fought our souls and desires and defeated them?As Satan was chained during Ramadan, so whatever wrong we did ,we should blame our ownselves,nafs.
  • Do we see the love of Allah increased and the love of worldy things decreased in our heart ?

Indeed we should thank Allah swt if our answers are positive.thank Him for enabling us to make the prayers and keep fast .

There was a painter who decided to make a marvel......he started painting that picture from dawn to dusk ........for days and days he thought and podered, changed and amended ,,,,his picture was getting into a masterpice of all times..........one morning when he was to give a finishing touch to that marvellous painting , he somehow (on someone's suggestion) poured some water over it..................everything was washed away nothing visible or lovely......instead of that painting there was more of a horrible and dreadful remainder..............The one who suggested became happy as he wanted the same.

So is the case with a Musilm who strives hard for the whole of a month,Ramadan, to become a true human being , a true Muslim but at the very onset of Shawwal (as soon as sighting the moon) we see him, leting go all what reward he accumulated throughout the month, coz of shaitan's suggestions.So,we should beware as Shaitan is set free again to mislead us, soon after Ramadan,with new zeal & enthusiasm.

Some Signs of End of Ramadhaan :

* Men leaving the five prayers in congregation,even leaving obligatory ones.
* Women neglecting the prayers until they become Qazaa, Everything becomes important except the obligatory prayers .
* Return with a bang to the Forbidden musical entertainment, filthy songs are played aloud over the streets.
* Return to the depraved forbidden films , dirty TV channels and all nasty stuff.
* Women displaying their adornment beyond that which ordinarily appears thereof,in the city revealing their beauty and adronment......
* free mixing etc. Boys and girls , dance , music , rock n roll , dating ,,,,,,,,
* Sleeping over the time of prayers ,
* And open heartedly, time and money is spent against the commands of Almighty.

Thus,we demolish what we had constructed and destroy what we have established. This is an indication of deprivation .

* Is this the result of the practice of 30 days
* is this what Allah swt requires of us after a training of 30 days
* Is this what we are going to show our Rab on the day of Eid
* Is this the way we thank our Allah for letting us go through all those blessed days and nights ?
* Are we making Allah happy or Satan ?

This is not thankfulness for blessings and favors, nor is it the sign of acceptance of one's actions, rather this is opposition to favors and absence of thankfulness.

These are from signs of one's deeds not being accepted because anyone who truly fasts rejoices on the occasion of `eid, praises his Lord for helping him complete the fast, and remains fearful that Allah may not accept his fasting, just as the Salaf would continue asking for acceptance of their actions in Ramadan for six months after it..

From signs that one's deeds are accepted is that he or she has improved in his or her obedience to Allah `azza wa jall. And remember when your Lord proclaimed, 'If you are grateful, I will surely increase you [in favor]' [Ibrahim, 7] Thankfulness is leaving sins.Who do so is increased in good, faith and righteous actions.

So if the servant is truly thankful to his Lord, you will see him guided to more obedience and distanced from sinfulness. Hazrat Wahab bin Munabbeh R A said that when EiD comes satan starts weeping loudly(as he was chained during Ramadan, so he couldn't mislead people & gets rescued on night of Eid ) . Looking at his nervousness all devils gather together and ask, O master! Why are you mad and sad?!He replies,"It is sad! Allah has forgiven the followers of Muhammad(Sallallahoalaihiwasallam) on this day. Now do this, that distract them by keeping them busy with their worldly desires.

Satan orders his pupils that, you distract the muslims by keeping them after their selfish worldly desires. He urges that we do such evil deeds that destroy all good we've gathered in Ramadan.Ah! Nowadays satan looks very successful in this attack of his.

Here's a Hadeeth :

Aa'ishah said: "I asked the Messenger of Allah concerning the ayah: 'And the one who give what they give and their hearts tremble with fear.' Are they the ones who drink alcohol and steal?" He said: "No, o daughter of as-Siddeeq. Rather, they are the ones who fast and pray and give in charity yet fear that it won't be accepted from them. They are the ones who rush to do good deeds and they are the first to do them." [Saheeh Sunan at-Tirmidhee 3/79-80]

Righteous actions are for all times and all places, so lets strive and beware of laziness. And guard our obligatory actions ,not delaying them, such as the five daily prayers, in congregation etc.

And lets try & pray to stay far from forbidden actions, such as forbidden sayings, food and drinks, or by looking at or listening to what is forbidden.

May Allah keep us steadfast and upright upon the His Deen at all times, for we do not know when we'll meet the Angel of Death. Beware of him taking us while we are in a state of sin. “

Obstaining from these evils is only through the grace & help of Allah.

"Our Lord! Let not our hearts deviate (from the truth) after You have guided us, and grant us mercy from You. Truly, You are the Bestower." (3:8)

O Allah, Who turns the hearts, keep our hearts steadfast upon Your Deen.Aameen.

Mane dpt : fwd e-mail

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Salam Aidilfitri

Kuhimpun doa dan harapan
menjadi gugusan impian
dalam sinar bulan mulia
moga terlakar bahagia
untuk selamanya.

Kuhulur salam kemaafan
atas segala kesalahan
penuh keinsafan
moga menjadi penawar di jiwa
dalam rahmat kasih-Nya

Dalam lebaran ini
kupohon kepada-Nya
moga terbentang jalan keindahan
mewarna bahagia
dan mengharum di jiwa

Fajar Online
Seluas Angkasa

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Malam Ini

Bulan ini bulan Ramadhan
Bulan depan bulan Syawal
Malam ini malam ke-27
Malam depan malam ke-28

Malam ini
mungkin lebih baik dari seribu bulan
mungkin malam ini ada Lailatul Qadar

Esok malam
mungkin lebih baik dari seribu bulan
mungkin esok malam baru Lailatul Qadar

Malam ini
ada kemungkinan besar Lailatul Qadar
malaikat turun
memberi berita ketenangan
sehingga tersingkap mentari pagi.

Malam esok
ada kemungkinan besar datang kematian
sebelum sempat berjumpa Lailatul Qadar
malaikat turun
mencabut nyawa, menyakitkan
mentari pagi tiada lagi.

Malam ini
jom iktikaf
sementara masih diberi kesempatan.

Kematian itu sesuatu yang benar.


Tuhan jika Kauizinkan
Ingin sahaja kulayar zikir seribu malam
Dan bertahajjud memohon cinta
Setiap detik malam syahdu

Tuhan jika Kauizinkan
Ingin kusemai benih-benih haruman di taman
Dan kucorakkan kuntuman mawar mekar
Manfaat buat kumbang bertandang

Namun Tuhan aku sebenarnya hamba yang mencari
Dan dalam jahil aku cuba melihat erti cinta
Dari bawah batu bukit di lembahMu

Tuhan munajat ini
Kulafaz sedih bertapak di bibir mulut
Mengharap dapat memungut cinta di jalanMu
Moga zikirku adalah rindu
Dan kumbang di taman mendapat madu

International Youth Centre, April 1998

posted by cPoL at 6:04 PM | 0 comments

Source : http://story4u.blogspot.com

Sunday, November 07, 2004


I have much reason to rejoice
And praise Allah in grateful voice
Bacause I'm happy and content
With all the favors Allah sent

He created me so perfectly
And did it all so lovingly
While showing me the way to go
No wonder that I love Him so

Therefore to Him I bow and pray
And try to obey Him every day
While believing in His Prophets too
Who came to show us what to do

In Allah's Book I do believe
And in the Guidance I receive
And I believe in His Angles too
Who have special things to do

One more thing I'd like to say
There'll be another life one day
And this I do believe my friend
That death is not the final end.

Taken from the book : Muslim Poems for Children

Friday, November 05, 2004


Ahhh .. weekend akhirnya.

Malam ini malam ke-23. Mungkinkah malam ini dapat ku bersua dengannya? Oh .. Laila ..

Dikau lebih indah dari 1000 bulan purnama.

Seriusly .. ^_^

p/s: iktikaf masjid jom!!

Monday, November 01, 2004


By 'Abdullaah Ibn Saalih Al-Fawzaan Source: Ahaadeeth As-Siyaam (pg. 133-135)

‘Aa’ishah RAA said: “When the last ten days (of Ramadaan) would come, the Prophet SAWS would spend his night in worship, wake his family (at night), exert himself and tighten his Izaar (waistcloth).” [1]

This hadeeth is proof that the last ten days of Ramadaan have a special virtue over any other (set of days), in which one should increase in obedience and acts of worship, such as prayer, making dhikr (remembrance) and reciting the Qur’aan.

‘Aa’ishah RAA has described our Prophet and role model, Muhammad (saws), with four attributes:

1. He (saws) would "spend his night in worship", meaning he would not sleep during it. Thus, he (saws) would remain awake throughout it in worship and he would liven his soul by spending the night in sleeplessness. This is since sleep is the brother of death. The meaning of "spend his night" is that he (saws) would spend all of it in the state of qiyaam (night prayer) and performing acts of worship that are done for the sake of Allaah, Lord of the worlds. We must remember that the last ten days of Ramadaan are fixed and numbered.

As for what has been reported concerning the forbiddance of spending the entire night in prayer, which has been mentioned in the hadeeth of 'Abdullaah Ibn 'Amr RAA, then it is in regards to someone who does that consistently throughout every night of the year.

2. He (saws) would "wake up his family" meaning his (saws) pure wives, the Mothers of the Believers, so that they may take part in the profiting of good, the dhikr (remembrance) and the acts of worship during these blessed times.

3. He (saws) would "exert himself", meaning he (saws) would persevere and struggle in worship, adding more to his deeds than what he had done in the first twenty days (of Ramadaan). He only did this because the night of Al-Qadr occurs during one of these (last ten) days.

4. He (saws) would "tighten his Izaar (waistcloth)" meaning he would exert himself and struggle intensely in worship. It is also said that it means he (saws) would withdraw from women. This seems to be more correct since it inclines with what was mentioned previously and with the hadeeth of Anas RAA: "He (saws) would rollup his bed and withdraw from women (i.e. his wives)." [2]

Also, he (saws) would observe 'Itikaaf in the last ten days of Ramadaan and the person who is in the state of 'Itikaaf is restricted from interacting (sexually) with women.

So, O Muslim brother, strive to characterize yourself with these attributes. And guard the prayer you make in the depths of the night (tahajjud) with the Imaam in addition to the Taraaweeh prayer (which is prayed in the early parts of the night), so that your exertion in these last ten days may go beyond that of the first twenty. And so that you may achieve the attribute of "spending the night in worship" by praying.

And you must be patient in your obedience to Allaah, for indeed, the tahajjud (night) prayer is difficult, but its reward is great. By Allaah, it is a great opportunity in ones life and a profitable thing to take advantage of, for the one whom Allaah grants it to. And a person does not know if perhaps he will encounter one of Allaah's many rewards during the night prayer, thus serving as assistance for him in this world and in the Hereafter.

The righteous predecessors of this ummah would lengthen the prayer at night, exerting themselves. As-Saa'ib Ibn Yazeed said: "'Umar Ibn Al-Khattaab ordered Ubay Bin Ka'ab and Tameem Ad-Daaree to lead the people in prayer with eleven raka'aat. The reciter would recite one hundred verses, to the point that we had to lean upon wooden staffs due to the long standing. And we would not stop until the early parts of Fajr." [3]

'Abdullaah Ibn Abee Bakr reported: "I heard my father (i.e. Abu Bakr) say: 'During Ramadaan, we would finish (the night prayer) late and we would hurry the servants to present the food (of suhoor) for fear that Fajr (morning) would come upon us." [4]

There are two struggles of the soul that the believer faces during Ramadaan: the struggle by day with fasting and the struggle by night with qiyaam (night prayer). So whosoever combines these two and fulfills their rights, then he is amongst the patient -- those who will "be given their reward in full without any reckoning." [5]

These ten days are the last part of the month and a person's actions are based on his last ones. So perhaps, he will encounter the night of Al-Qadr, while standing in prayer for Allaah and thus have all his past sins forgiven.

And one must incite, animate and persuade his family to perform acts of worship, especially in these great times in which no one neglects it except that he has been deprived. What is more incredible than this is that while the people are performing prayer and making tahajjud, some individuals spend their time in forbidden gatherings and sinful events. This is indeed the greatest loss. We ask Allaah for his protection.

Therefore, embarking on these last days means entering into the profiting from righteous deeds in what remains of the month. From the unfortunate matters is to see that some people excel in righteous actions, such as prayer and recitation of the Qur'aan, in the first part of the month, but then signs of fatigue and weariness begin to show on them afterwards, especially when the last ten days of Ramadaan come in. And this is in spite of these last ten days possessing a greater standing than the first ones. Thus, one must persevere in striving and struggling and increase his worship when the end of the month draws near. And we must keep in mind that a person's actions are based on his last ones.

[1] Al-Bukhaaree (4/269) and Muslim (1174)
[2] See Lataa'if-ul-Ma'aarif: pg. 219
[3] See Al-Muwatta (Eng. Dar El-Fiker): vol. 1, pg 154
[4] Also in the Muwatta of Imaam Maalik: vol. 1, pg. 156
[5] Surat-uz-Zumar: 15

Jika 6 Ekor Paus Mati ..

6 Ikan Paus Mati

BANGKOK, 27 Nov - Di selatan perairan Thailand, 6 ikan paus dijumpai mati terdampar di Laut China Selatan tersebut. Empat dari ikan paus tersebut dijumpai dengan kesan kesan tembakan, manakala lagi dua ekor ikan paus disyaki turut terkorban disebabkan tidak dapat bernafas di perairan yang cetek ketika cuba membantu rakan mereka melawan penembak penembak yang kejam.

Pemimpin dari seluruh dunia mengutuk dengan keras terhadap apa yang berlaku. Setiausaha PBB, Kofi Annan menyifatkannya sebagai satu titik hitam dalam sejarah dunia. Presiden Bush mengatakan bahawa beliau tidak boleh percaya wujud manusia yang tergamak untuk melakukan perbuatan yang tidak berperikemanusiaan ini. Menurut beliau, membunuh sebanyak enam ekor ikan paus sekaligus adalah satu dosa yang tidak dapat dimaafkan.

Reaksi dari negara jiran Malaysia, Perdana Menterinya Abdullah Ahmad Badawi tidak dapat menyembunyikan perasaan sedihnya dan menangis dalam ucapan beliau ketika diminta komen mengenai kejadian ini. Beliau menyatakan kesediaannya untuk menghantar tentera Malaysia bagi membantu mengawal perairan pantai Thailand agar tiada paus yang terbunuh lagi.

Perdana Menteri Thaksin mengatakan bahawa ini merupakan satu tragedi kejam yang menyayat hati seluruh rakyat Thailand. 2 jam selepas kejadian, beliau telah bertindak dengan menubuhkan Suruhanjaya Khas bagi menyiasat punca kejadian malah berikrar untuk menghukum mereka yang terlibat. Beliau meneruskan bahawa kerajaan Thailand tidak akan teragak-agak untuk mengenakan hukuman mati kepada pesalah.

Berita lainnya ..
84 Orang Muslim Terkorban di Selatan Thailand

Reaksi dari PM Thailand:

"Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra then defended the actions of his security forces and refused to heed a UN call for a probe into the matter. The premier, who rushed to the scene of this week's violence before returning to Bangkok late on Monday, insisted the crackdown was justified."

Komen dari kerajaan Malaysia:

Following yesterday's violence Malaysia expressed concern over the latest clash in its northern neighbour. "The flare up in southern Thailand is a matter of concern to us," Foreign Minister Sayyid Hamid Albar said on Tuesday. "Thailand is a close neighbour. Any incidents will be watched closely here."

* Adakah darah seorang muslim akan menjadi lebih murah dari seekor paus?