
Thursday, April 29, 2004

3 je...

Aisha radiyallahu anha says, The drink most liked by Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihe wasallam was that which was sweet and cold.
Commentary :
Apparently cold and sweet water is mentioned here. In the narration mentioned by Abu Dawood and others it is clearly stated, and there also may be a probability that sharbat of honey or nabeedh of dates are meant, as has been mentioned in the chapter on the cup of Sayyidina Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihe wasallam. Sayyidina Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihe wasallam did not pay much attention to food. Whatever was available was eaten, but sweet and cold water was given importance. Sweet water was brought for Sayyidina Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihe wasallam from a place called Suqya, which is a few kilometres from Madinah. Sayyidina Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihe wasallam also added the following duaa in the words of Dawood alaihis salaam, that O Allah grant me such love for You, which is more beloved to me than my life, wealth, wife, children, and cold water.
(Syamail Tirmizi, Chapter on the things Rasulullah SAW drank)

*"Based on this hadith, some scholars claimed that drinking bottled water is considered sunnah..." - Mufti Husain Abd Satar

Hazrat Abdullah Mughaffal (Radiallahu anhu) reports, " Sayyidina
Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) prohibited the combing of hair, but allowed it to be does occasionally."
Commentary :
Qazi Iyaz says that occasionally means after every three days. In Abu Daud a Hadith has been reported, wherein Sayyidina Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) prohibited the combing of hair daily.
The Ulama have written that it is prohibited at such times when
there is no necessity for it, otherwise there is no harm in it. The prohibition is karahate tanzihi. It is specially for the hair that has no dirt in it and does not need grooming. When the hair is dirty, there is no karaaha (i.e. not makruh) in combing the hair daily.
(Syamail Tirmizi, Chapter on the combing hair of Rasulullah SAW)

*Bukan semua larangan dalam hadis, boleh terus dianggap haram. Ada peringkat- peringkatnya.
"One who said that he can just depends on Quran and Hadith DIRECTLY, is a deluded fool." - Syeikh Hamza Yusuf

"If you leave home to go to a place other than your usual work, it is advisable to inform your family where you are going. This information is very useful to have their mind at ease knowing where you are. The great follower, Qatada bin Di'ama Al-Sadousi disapproved of someone going somewhere without telling their family their whereabouts. Imam Ahmad reported that Qatada narrated that he went with Abo Ma'shar to visit Al-Sha'bi. His family said he was not home. Qatada asked, 'Where did he go?' His family said, 'We do not know.' Qatada then said, 'You mean he does not tell you where he goes?' They said, 'Yes.' Telling your family where you are lessens their worries besides putting you and them at ease if you were late since they know where you are."
- Syeikh Abdul Fattah Abu Ghuddah (RAH), Islamic Manners, http://www.alinaam.org.za/library/imanners00.htm

*Jom jenjalan...

Monday, April 19, 2004

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah,

Lagi pasal Luqman......

Alhamdulillah... hari ni Luqman dah keluar dari burn unit dan dimasukkan ke Acute Rehabilitation Center. For those yg nak visit Luqman, adress ni haa....

Acute Rehabilitation Center
room 140
980 Indiana Avenue
Lockfield Village Building
(between 10th street ngan Indiana Avenue)

Kalau ada sapa2 yang nak melawat Luqman dalam masa terdekat...tlg inform sama jasman aa...makcik zubaidah pesan barang.

Saturday, April 17, 2004

tak sedar mata bergenangan...indah sungguh budi pekertinya.bila baca cerita ni reflect balik pada diri sendiri...begitu bertuahnya diri ini dapat menikmati kesenangan dunia..tanpa perlu menjaja dan meminta untuk mengutip rezeki..
bacalah cerita dibawah...dipetik dari pewaris.com...........

Hari itu saya nak K.Lumpur, ada hal sikit.
Memikirkan highway PLUS sibuk, saya menyusuri
laluan lama. Pekan pertama yang saya lintas
ialah Teluk Intan.

Terasa mengantuk, saya singgah sebentar disebuah
restoran di pinggir pekan itu.Sebaik memesan
makanan, seorang kanak-kanak lelaki – berusia
lebih kurang 12 tahun muncul dihadapan.

'Abg nak beli kuih?' Katanya sambil tersenyum.
Tangannya segera menyelak daun pisang yang
menjadi penutup bakul kuih jajaanya.

"Tak apalah di k...abg dah pesan makanan," jawap
saya ringkas. Dia berlalu. Sebaik pesanan tiba,
saya terus menikmatinya. Lebih kurang 20 minit
kemudian saya nampak kanak-kanak t! adi
menghampiri pelanggan lain, sepasang suami
isteri agaknya. Mereka juga menolak, dia
berlalu begitu saja.

"Abg dah makan, tak nak beli kuih saya?" katanya
selamba semasa menghampiri meja saya.

"Abg baru lepas makan dik, masih kenyang lagi
ni," kata saya sambil menepuk-nepuk perut.

Dia beredar, tapi cuma setakat dikaki lima.
Sampai disitu, di meletakkan bakulnya yang masih
sarat. Setiap yang lalu ditanya... "Tak nak beli
kuih saya bang..Pakcik...kakak atau makcik."
Molek budi bahasanya!

Mamak restoran itu pun tidak menghalng dia
keluar masuk ke premisnya bertemu pelanggan.
Sambil memerhati, terselit rasa kagum dan
kasihan dihati saya melihatkan betapa gigihnya
dia berusaha.

Tidak nampak langsung tanda-tanda putus asa
dalam dirinya, sekalipun orang yang ditemuinya
enggan membeli kuihnya. Selepas membayar harga
makanan dan minuman, saya terus beredar ke
kereta. Kanak-kanak itu saya lihat berada agak
jauh di deretan kedai yang sama. Saya buka
pintu, membetulkan duduk dan menutup pintu.
Belum sempat saya menghidupkan enjin, kanak-
kanak tadi berdiri di tepi kereta. Dia
menghadiahkan sebuah senyuman. Saya turunkan
cermin, membalas senyumanya. Saya lihat umurnya
lebih kurang 12 tahun.

"Abg dah kenyang, tapi mungkin ang perlukan kuih
saya untuk adik-adik abang, ibu atau ayah
abang. katanya petah sekali sambil tersenyum.
Sekali lagi dia mempamerkan kuih dalam bakul
dengan menyelak daun pisang penutupnya.

Saya tenung wajahnya, bersih dan bersahaja.
Terpantul persaan kesian di hati. Lantas saya
buka dompet, dan menghulurkan sekeping not
merah RM10. Saya hulurkan padanya.

"Ambil ni dik! Abang sedekah..! . tak payah
abang beli kuih tu" saya berkata ikhlas kerana
perasaan kesian meningkat mendadak. Kanak-kanak
itu menerima wang tersebut, lantas mengucapkan
terima kasih terus berjalan kembali ke kaki
lima deretan kedai. Saya gembira dapat
membantunya. Setelah enjin kereta saya hidupkan,
saya mengundur. Alangkah terperanjatnya saya
melihat kanak-kanak itu menghulurkan pula RM10
pemberian saya itu kepada seorang pengemis yang
buta kedua-dua matanya.

Saya terkejut, lantas memberhentikan semula
kereta, memanggil kanak-kanak itu. "Kenapa bang
nak beli kuih ke?" tanyanya. "Kenapa adik
berikan duit abg tadi pada pengemis tu? Duit tu
abg bagi adik!" kata saya tanpa menjawap
pertanyaannya. "Bang saya tak boleh ambil duit
tu. Mak marah kalau dia dapat tahu saya
mengemis. Kata mak kita mesti bekerja me! ncari
nafkah kerana Allah berikan tulang empat kerat
pada saya. "Kalau dia tahu saya bawa duit
sebanyak itu pulang, sedangkan jualan masih
banyak, mak pasti marah. Kata mak, mengemis
kerja orang yang tak berupaya, saya masih kuat
bang!" katanya begitu lancar.

Saya sebak, sekali gus kagum dengan pegangan
hidup kanak-kanak itu. Tanpa
banyak soal saya terus bertanya berapa semua
harga kuih dalam bakul itu.

"Abg nak beli semua ke?" dia betanya dan saya
cuma mengangguk. Lidah saya kelu nak
berkata. "RM25 saja bang.....!

Selepas dia memasukkan satu persatu kuihnya ke
dalam plastik, saya hulurkan RM25. Dia
mengucapkan terima kasih dan terus berlalu. Saya
perhatikan dia sehingga hilang daripada
pandangan. Dalam perjalanan ke K.Lumpur, baru
saya terfikir untuk bertanya statusnya. Anak
yatim kah?? Siapakah wanita berhati mulia yang
melahirkannya?? Terus terang saya katakan, saya
beli kuihnya bukan lagi atas dasar kesian,
tetapi kerana rasa kagum dengan sikapnya yang
dapat menjadikan kerjayanya satu penghormatan.
Sesungguhnya saya kagum dengan sikap kanak-kanak
itu. Dia menyedarkan saya, siapa kita

`Abdullah Ibn Mas`ud: The First to Recite the Qur’an Aloud


When still a youth, not yet past the age of puberty, he used to roam the mountain trails of Makkah keeping far away from the people, and tending the flocks of a Quraysh chieftain, `Uqbah ibn Mu`ayt. People called him "Ibn Umm `Abd", the son of the mother of a slave. His real name was `Abdullah and his father's name was Mas`ud.

The youth heard the news of the Prophet who had appeared among his people but he did not attach any great importance to it both because of his age and because he was usually far from Makkan society. It was his custom to go with the flock of `Uqbah early in the morning and not return until nightfall.

One day while tending the flocks, `Abdullah saw two dignified looking, middle-aged men coming towards him from a distance. They were obviously very tired and were so thirsty that their lips and throat were parched. They came up to him, greeted him and said, "Young man, milk one of these sheep for us that we may quench our thirst and recover our strength."

"I cannot," replied the young man. "The sheep are not mine. I am only responsible for looking after them."

The two men did not argue with him. In fact, although they were extremely thirsty, they were also exceedingly pleased at the honest reply. The pleasure showed on their faces . . .

In fact, the two men were the blessed Prophet himself (peace and blessings be upon him) and his companion, Abu Bakr As-Siddiq. On that day, they had gone to the mountains of Makkah to escape the violent persecution of the Quraysh.

The young man in turn was impressed with the Prophet and his companion and soon became quite attached to them.

It was not long before `Abdullah ibn Mas`ud became a Muslim and offered his service to the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The Prophet agreed and from that day the fortunate `Abdullah ibn Mas`ud gave up tending sheep in exchange for looking after the needs of the blessed Prophet.

`Abdullah ibn Mas`ud remained closely attached to the Prophet and would attend to his needs both inside and outside the house. He would accompany him on journeys and expeditions, wake him when he slept, shield him when he washed and carry his staff and siwak (toothbrush) and attend to his other personal needs.

Abdullah ibn Mas`ud received a unique kind of training in the household of the Prophet. He was under the guidance of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), he adopted his manners and followed in his footsteps until it was said of him, "He was the closest to the Prophet in character."

Abdullah was taught in the "school" of the Prophet. He was the best reciter of the Qur'an among the companions and he understood it better than all of them. He was therefore the most knowledgeable about the Shari`ah.

`Abdullah ibn Mas`ud was not only a reciter of the Qur’an, but he was also a learned man and a sincere worshipper. As well as this, he was a strong and courageous fighter; one who could become deadly serious when the occasion demanded.

One day, the companions of the Prophet were together in Makkah. They were still few in number, weak and oppressed. They said, "The Quraysh have not yet heard the Qur’an being recited openly and aloud. Who is the man who will recite it for them?"

"I shall recite it for them," volunteered `Abdullah ibn Mas`ud.

"We are afraid for you," they said. "We want someone who has a clan who would protect him from their ill treatment.”

"Let me," `Abdullah ibn Mas`ud insisted, "Allah shall protect me and keep me away from their evil." He then went out to the mosque until he reached Maqam Ibrahim (a few metres from the Ka`bah). It was dawn and the Quraysh were sitting around the Ka`bah. `Abdullah stopped at the Maqam and began to recite:

(In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful. The Merciful. He has taught the Qur’an. He has created man and taught him the clear truth . . .)

He continued reciting and the Quraysh looked at him intently and some of them asked:

"What is Ibn Umm `Abd saying?"

"Damn him! He is reciting some of what Muhammad brought!" they realized.

They went up to him and began beating his face as he recited. When he returned to his companions, the blood was flowing from his face.

"This is what we feared for you," they exclaimed.

"By Allah, " replied `Abdullah, "the enemies of Allah are not more comfortable than I at this moment. If you wish, I shall go again tomorrow and do the same."

"You have done enough," they decided. "You have made them hear what they dislike."

Abdullah ibn Mas`ud lived until the time of Caliph `Uthman, (may Allah be pleased with him). When he was sick and on his death-bed, `Uthman came to visit him and said,

"What troubles you?

"My sins."

"And what do you desire?"

"The mercy of my Lord."

"Shall I not give you your stipend which you have refused to take for all these years?

"I have no need of it."

"Let it be for your daughters after you."

"Do you fear poverty for my children? I have commanded them to read the Chapter of Al-Waqi`ah every night for I e heard the Prophet saying, 'Whoever reads Al-Waqi`ah every night shall not ever be effected by poverty.

Excerpted with modifications from: www.youngmuslims.ca

Sunday, April 11, 2004

update pasal chong :

- hari ni, alhamdulillah, dia mula berlatih berjalan. keliling wad je. dipapah 2 org nurse. mak dia follow dari belakang. kitorang tengok. nampak macam boleh berjalan, sesekali nurse suruh dia tegakkan badan, sbb macam membongkok sikit. nampak semangat. yoshh!

- dia makin banyak bercakap. tapi, tak berapa jelas, keluar angin je. kena dekatkan telinga kat mulut dia supaya boleh jelas. cth2 dialog : "nak vanilla coke...", "projek macam mana?" (dia cakap kat penulis - project partner dia), "sapa lagi kat luar?", "siang panas" (dia cakap sbb faiz cakap bilik tu makin sejuk), "doakan aku cepat baik...", "kirim salam kat semua...", "teka aku makan apa?", etcetc.

- masih dalam shock sikit, tapi improving insya Allah. sebelum ni, nurse cakap english, tapi dia reply melayu. sekarang dah boleh reply english sikit. masa kitorang nak pegi lunch dengan mak dia, dia hugged mak dia, macam berat sikit nak berpisah. pastu, dia hugged kitorang yg ada masa tu jugak.

- sekarang, chong makan crushed ice. nampak macam banyak dia makan. alhamdulillah.

- lepas practice berjalan tadi, dia cuba bergerak sendiri pergi ke katil dia dari kerusi kat hujung bilik. mak dia terkejut, cepat- cepat papah dia sebab risau kot2 dia jatuh sebelum sampai ke katil. nurse2 datang bila dengar mak dia macam menjerit sikit. somehow, dia sempat jugak sampai ke katil, rebah kat tilam. nurse kata, good sign sbb dia betul2 nak cepat sembuh.

- ni utk budak pompuan : mak dia pesan, chong tak prefer sangat kalau budak pompuan lawat dia kat wad dia. bukan apa... chong malu, mungkin sbb tak pakai pakaian sangat (even though still cover semua dengan blanket etcetc). so, lepas ni, sapa budak pompuan yang pegi, tak dijamin boleh masuk tengok Chong kat dalam bilik dia. mungkin boleh (cthnya, kalau chong tidur), mungkin tak boleh. tapi, for sure la still boleh ziarah mak dia kat luar.

- ok, tu je kot. so, doa la kat chong banyak2. dan, kalau ada masa, cuba luang masa ziarah dia sebab mak dia kata, penting utk dia jumpa kawan2 dia supaya kurang shock sikit dan bagi semangat kat dia utk sembuh.

- sekian, wallahu a'lam bissowab, terima kasih.

Aku dan Rabbku

eramuslim - “Basahilah lidahmu dengan dzikir” duh.. sudah berapa kali saya denger hadist ini tapi …waktu yang digunakan untuk berdzikir masih sedikit, padahal Allah berfirman “AKu bersama hamba-Ku ketika dia mengingat-Ku”. Allahu Akbar. Luar biasa, mencoba untuk melakukan variasi dalam berdzikir kenapa tidak ? La illahaillallah adalah sebaik2 dzikir …wueshh pikiranpun mulai menerawang balasan apa yang akan Allah kasih jika saya mengucapkan Laillahailallah 1x apakah senilai uang 1 juta,10 juta atau 100 juta, lebih, pasti lebih dari itu di hadapan Rabbul Izzati. Subahannallah. Rugiii…..berapa sudah waktu yag hilang, uang yang hilang, istana yang tertunda di surga nanti – InnaLillahiwainaillaihi’irojiun. Ga papa kan berdagang dengan Allah.

Imam Al Ghazali dalam risalahnya Al Asma Al Husna menuliskan kecintaan kepada Allah bisa ditingkatkan dengan tiga cara ; (i) mengingatnya (ii) mempercayainya (iii) mempertahankannya. Begitu pula Pak Ary Ginanjar dalam bukunya “Rahasia membangun kecerdasan Emosional dan Spiritual” beliau menulis bahwa seorang hamba bisa menjadi manusia yang luar biasa jika mau meneladani sifat-sifat Allah dengan cara mengingat-ingatnya dan meneladani sifat-sifat-Nya.

Sesungguhnya antara hamba dengan Rabbnya ada 2 panghalang ; (i) ilmu dan (ii) ego (Aku). Perasaan jenuh, bosen, mandek atau tidak ada peningkatan terkadang datang pula, tapi ingat pesan “yang mencari akan menemukan” ada secercah harapan untuk mencari lagi, baik itu dari buku, artikel baik itu di majalah atau di internet, seminar , maupun taklim - apa saja. Alhamdulillah masih ada rasa haus yang belum terpuaskan dengan minuman yang standard. Mencoba untuk flash back ke zaman para sahabat yang memiliki tingkat keimanan yang mempesona dan berdecak kagum setiap kali membaca kisahnya, sudah tentu pengetahuan mereka tentang surga, neraka, negri akhirat dan segala sesuatu yang terjadi didalamnya berbeda dengan pengetahuan saya dan itu mungkin yang membuat tingkat keimanan saya seolah tak bergerak. Ego, Aku “barang siapa yang mengenal dirinya maka dia akan mengenal Tuhannya dan barang siapa yang mengenal dirinya maka tidak ada waktu untuk mencari kesalahan orang lain”. Ada perasaan aneh menghampiri ketika mencoba berlama-lama bercermin. sudah berapa jauh saya mengenal diri saya dengan baik dan sudah berapa lama saya menyadari begitu sangat rentannya melakukan kesalahan setiap detik.

Menjadi milik-Nya bukan sebaliknya menjadikan Allah sebagai milik saya dan mengikuti semua keinginaan saya – Naudzubillahiminzalik, kebodohan apalagi yang saya lakukan berlarut-larut. STOP. “Ya Rabb biarkan aku menjadi milik-Mu selamanya…menyatu bersama-Mu, biarkan jiwa ini terbakar oleh cahaya-Mu..cinta-Mu”.

Teringat kembali firman Allah SWT “Sesungguhnya Aku mengikuti perasaan hamba-Ku terhadap-Ku” kenapa tidak saya coba untuk mengatakan ke diri saya sendiri dengan menggunakan 3 metode dari imam Al Ghazali diatas : “saya selalu bersamaMu ya Allah” ( bukannya saya ingin bersamaMu), “saya selalu mencintaiMu ya Rabb” (bukannya saya ingin mencintai-Mu), “saya selalu merindukan-Mu ya Tuhanku”. Ada perasaan puas yang mengalir, seolah-olah sesuatu yang sudah tercapai dan tinggal menikmati saja perjalanan hidup bersama Al Malik, Al Aziz. Perasaan tenang, aman, damai, bahagia yang selama ini dicaripun mulai rajin menjenguk orang pesakitan seperti saya.

WaLlahua'lam bi shawab.

cekop dari : http://haridah.sodeeq.com

Every moment that we spent
..... everyday
Every hour that goes by
..... and we share
Every beat of the heart
..... will get us nowhere
But closer to you
..... Allah

Listen to the whole song, click here

Thursday, April 08, 2004

Progress pasal Chong

Wartawan: Melissa Anwar dr bilik berita IUPUI

Sahabat kita, Luqman a.k.a Chong, alhamdulillah menunjukkan progress yang positif setakat ini.

1) Alhamdulilah Luqman bernafas seperti biasa tanpa menggunakan topeng oksigen
2) Mula bercakap-cakap dengan ibunya (bila sampai, dia ada di mana)
3) Dah boleh minum (tapi minum ais jek)
4) Dah boleh bergerak lebih banyak

Setakat itu untuk kali ini. Teruskan doa untuk luqman.

Doa untuk orang sakit

"La ba'sa tuhurun insya Allah"
Maksud: Tidak mengapa, semoga sakitmu ini membuat dosamu bersih, insya Allah

Updates About Chong

Assalamu 'alaykum warahmatullah, dearest Malaysians.

Update about Chong, received by news from Lynn @ IUPUI ..

+ tube oxygen dah ditarik keluar
+ he's still on the oxygen mask tho
+ dah start gerak kaki and tangan
+ kalau cakap dah boleh respond
+ insha Allah next week surgery leher

For latest pictures .. you could visit http://mluqman.fotopages.com/


1. I strongly suggest we collect an amount of donation for covering the expenses of food for Chong's mother and (most probably) medication expenses of Chong (since the insurance co doesn't cover all of it).

2. Do a roster of visitation to the Hospital since it happens to be that most of us are concentrated on weekends (because of the amount of schoolwork and what not) and literally almost no one is visiting during the weekdays. If we do a roster, we could spread it out and distribute between the members of our small-knit community.

So, if anyone is willing to help or spearhead any of the above , please email me faiz.sahri.1@purdue.edu or email Mazran at mibrahim@purdue.edu

And most importantly, keep the doa coming.

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Dah hampir 2 minggu sahabat kita, Luqman a.k.a Chong berada di hospital. Alhamdulillah, Chong selamat menjalani pembedahan kedua selasa lalu. Insya Allah Chong akan menjalani satu lagi pembedahan minggu hadapan bagi menggantikan kulit di bahagian leher. Sesiapa yang ingin melihatkan keadaan Chong selepas pembedahan, boleh terus ke link:

Gamba lepas 2nd operation

Teruskan doa kalian untuk Chong.

pictures courtesy of : Melissa Anwar

Friday, April 02, 2004

The Story that Changed His LIfe

Assalamu 'alaykum warahmatullah, dearest Malaysians.

Alhamdu lillah we had a great gathering of around 40 Malaysians last week, opening up our minds and hearts about the Palestinian history. We learned a whole lot of stuffs alhamdu lillah.

And THIS week, (drum roll please) .. tadaaa .. we have a special speaker to tell us about his journey to Islam. The soft spoken convert to Islam will tell about his own personal experience on how he discovered Islam. This is LIVE guys .. asyik dengar cerita dari orang lain je .. kali ni boleh dengar face to face .. so don't miss this great opportunity!!

For Whom: Malaysian Students!!
Title: My Journey to Islam
When: Tomorrow (Saturday) 9.30pm-10.30 pm
Where: Stewart Center 218A
By: John Orzulak (a recent convert to Islam)

And of course insha Allah, ada cakes/desserts and drinks .. kali ini dibawakan khas oleh ahli ahli rumah Shaq, Pijul, Imam and Ajey. Last week punya cake habis licin, insha Allah kali ni banyak sikit kot :)

Hope to see all of you there .. till then, take care and assalamu 'alaykum.

p/s: sesiapa nak visit Chong please call this # : (317) 630-6068 social worker at the Burn's Hospital .. keep the du'as coming ..

- Faiz

Thursday, April 01, 2004

A Brother like That

Shuaib received an automobile from his brother as a Eid present. On Eid day when Shuaib came out of his office, a street urchin was walking around the shiny new car, admiring it. "Is this your car, Uncle?" he asked. Shuaib nodded. " My brother gave it to me for Eid." The boy was astounded.

"You mean your brother gave it to you and it didn't cost you nothing? Boy, I wish..." He hesitated. Of course Shuaib knew what he was going to wish for. He was going to wish he had a brother like that. But what the lad said jarred Shuaib all the way down to his heels. "I wish," the boy went on, "that I could be a brother like that." Shuaib looked at the boy in astonishment, then impulsively he added, "Would you like to take a ride in my automobile?" "Oh yes, I'd love that."

After a short ride, the boy turned and with his eyes aglow, said, "Uncle, would you mind driving in front of my house?" Shuaib smiled a little. He thought he knew what the lad wanted. He wanted to show his neighbors that he could ride home in a big automobile. But Shuaib was wrong again. "Will you stop where those two steps are?" the boy asked. He ran up the steps. Then in a little while Shuaib heard him coming back, but he was not coming fast. He was carrying his little crippled brother. He sat him down on the bottom step, then sort of squeezed up against him and pointed to the car.

"There she is, uncle, just like I told you upstairs. His brother gave it to him for Eid and it didn't cost him a penny. And some day I'm gonna give you one just like it...then you can see for yourself all the pretty things in the Shop windows that I've been trying to tell you about."

Shuaib got out and lifted the boy to the front seat of his car. The shining-eyed older brother climbed in beside him and the three of them began a memorable holiday ride. That Eid, Shuaib learned what Rasullallah(sallallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) meant when he had said: "Love for your brother what you love for yourself ".

Author: Unknown
Courtesy: www.everymuslim.com