
Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Nawawi Foundation
April 2004: Prophets, Prophecy, and the Unseen

The Nawawi Foundation is pleased to announce its upcoming weekend intensive, “Prophets, Prophecy, and the Unseen.” Featuring Shaykh Hamza Yusuf and Dr. Umar F. Abd-Allah, this year’s program will be a sequel to last year’s event, “The Attributes of God in Islam.” However, it is not necessary to have attended last year’s series to benefit fully from this presentation. Attendance is open to the public, and all are welcome.


“The Attributes of God” focused on the first of the three major concentrations of traditional Islamic theology—belief in God. This year’s program will examine the remaining two: what Muslims believe about God’s prophets (nubuwwat or prophetology) and the Unseen (sam’iyyat or eschatology). Special reference will be given to the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. We will consider his rank among the messengers, the nature of the night journey and ascent, and his salvific role on the Day of Judgment. Regarding the phenomenon of prophethood in general, we will treat such topics as the nature of revelation, the divine books, prophetic infallibility, and miracles. The issue of sainthood is also germane to this discussion: What is a saint? How do they differ from prophets? Do they have miracles?

The third concentration, eschatology, is traditionally broadest in scope and content, including generic belief in the Unseen, angels, spirits, demonic beings, resurrection, heaven, hell, and the sacred geography of the hereafter like the Station of Waiting, the Traverse, the Balance, and the Quenching Pool. The Signs of the Hour are unavoidably prominent: the rising of the sun in the West, the closing of the Door of Repentance, the Eastern, Western, and Arabian earthquakes, the coming of the “Guided One” (mahdi), the emergence of the False Messiah (al-masih al-dajjal), and the second coming of Christ. Questions about the nature of time also arise: Is Islamic time linear as in the Judeo-Christian traditions? What are the implications of the realm of timelessness, pre-eternity, the unfolding of time in sacred and human history, the folding up of time in miracles, the end of time, and the eternity of the Garden and Fire? We will also discuss the meaning of life and death, the “intermediary world” (barzakh), and the rewards and punishments of the grave.

Finally, we hope to discuss a number of issues that are part of the traditional discourse but have taken on special relevance today, often because of their misuse: Who is or is not a Muslim? What is the gravity of declaring people outside the faith (takfir)? Is Islamic theology inclusive or exclusive or something else? What is the share of non-Muslims in the hereafter? Are we required to understand eschatological references literally? When is allegory allowed or even desirable? What standards are required in reading current moments in history—like the Arab-Israeli struggle—in apocalyptic, millenarian, or messianic terms? Are today’s events the culmination or fulfillment of particular prophecies and eschatological cycles?

Much of the most important content of Islamic faith comes under the rubric of “Prophets, Prophecy, and the Unseen,” and these concerns are as vital today as they were yesterday, although—like any aspect of faith—they require sound understanding and intelligent application.

Suggested Background Reading
- Imam al-Ghazali, The Remembrance of Death and the Afterlife
- Imam al-Haddad, The Lives of Man
- Shaykh Nuh Keller, Reliance of the Traveller, pp. 807-825
- William C. Chittick, Faith and Practice of Islam, pp. 1-12, 47-54, 81-104, 119-127

©2003 Nawawi Foundation. All Rights Reserved.

Saturday, March 27, 2004

News About Our Dear Friend

Assalamu 'alaykum warahmatullah, dearest Malaysians.

At around 6 am today, our dear friend, Muhammad Lukman Ahmad aka Chong, a Junior in the School of Electrical Engineering at Purdue University, suffered 40% burn to his body due to an acident at his house. He was taken to St Elizabeth Hospital and later transfered to a more well equipped hospital at Indianapolis. All his other housemates are safe, alhamdu lillah.

The MSD and his parents has been notified regarding this accident. We ask each and every one of you to pray that Allah give him a speedy recovery and grant him patience.

Inna lillah wa inna ilaihi roji'uun (to Allah we belong and unto Him we return).

Please take concern of your safety.

- Faiz

Heeeiiii .. Malaysians!!!

Ada Apa Dengan Palestina?

Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, the founder and spiritual leader in Palestine, died on March 20.
He was killed when an Israeli helicopter fired three missiles at him as he left a Gaza City mosque. He was in his mid-60s.

>> Try and look at the pictures on this webpage ..


.. and then you'll understand WHY we need to know the history of Palestine.

>> The Malaysian government calls it "State Terrorism"

http://www.islamonline.net/English/News/2004-03/23/article03.shtml .

It's no use being emotional without truely understanding the history of Palestine. Therefore, I extend this invitation to all Malaysians, to learn more about the history of Palestine tomorrow.

The details are:

To Whom: Malaysian students !!
When: 9.10 pm (Saturday 03.27.04)
Where: Stewart Center 320
Who: Presentation by brother Khaldoun (Arabic Instructor at Purdue)

Cakes and drinks will be provided insha Allah :)
Hope to see all of you there! Take care n salaam.

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Love Of Allah

The love of the Beloved
must be unconditionally returned.

If you claim love
yet oppose the Beloved,
then your love is but a pretence

You love the enemies of your Beloved
and still seek love in return.

You fight the beloved of your Beloved.
Is this Love or the following of shaytaan?
True devotion is nothing
but total submission
of body and soul
to One Love.

We have seen humans claim to submit,
yet their loyalties are many.

They put their trust here, and their hope there,
and their love is without consequence.

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

assalamu'alaikum wbt..


Dengan Nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang..

sudah lama hati terdetik utk bersua...namun apakah daya..
diri sentiasa menolak.. di manakah diri ini di kalangan
para mujahidin dan mu'mineen yang menjadi kekasih Allah?

Adakah diri ini sudah terlambat?? Mampukah diri ini meneruskan
perjuangan menegakkan kebenaran dan mencegah kemungkaran? Tatkala
bumi Palestin digegarkan dengan kematian pemimpinnya, Sheikh Ahmad
Yasin... diri ini terasa dipanggil untuk berjuang.. tidak kiralah
bagaimana perjuangannya.. memang pedih bila teringatkan hati ini
tidak sesuci para dai' dan sahabat handai yang sentiasa ingat-

wahai sahabat semua... bangkitlah.. apakah tidak kamu
lihat betapa perit dan susahnya kehidupan sahabat-sahabat
kita di bumi Palestin, Afghanistan, Iraq, dan ceruk-ceruk lain?
Apakah tidak kamu sedar, bahawa hidup di dunia ini tidak berkekalan?
Tidakkah hati engkau terusik dengan kematian yang datang dengan
tiba-tiba dan tidak mengenal usia? Apakah jiwa engkau puas
dengan kemewahan yang ada pada diri sendiri?

Ayuh sahabatku.. sedarkanlah diri mu yang dahagakan kasih Allah
itu.. hentikanlah sikapmu yang ingin merebut kekayaan dan
kemewahan di dunia ini... cerminkanlah diri.. adakah engkau
melihat sebuah wajah yang cantik? atau adakah engkau ternampak
hati kepunyaan sendiri yang sedih dan meronta-ronta agar ianya
dicuci dan dibersihkan?

Adakah diri ini sudah terlambat?? tentunya tidak terlambat selagi
usia mengizinkan.. Wahai kawan-kawan.. hentikanlah perbuatanmu yang
sia-sia itu.. gunakanlah segala kekuatan yang engkau ada.. hentikanlah
pembacaan yang sia-sia.. Pergunakanlah masamu dengan bijak..
Sesungguhnya menuntut ilmu itu diganjarkan pahala dan amat dituntut..
maka, jangan engkau persiakan masamu dengan membuat perkara yang
tidak berfaedah..terutamanya perkara-perkara yang dilarang oleh Allah.

Apakah perjuangan bermaksud perlu turun berjuang di medan perang??
Tidak semestinya... Sesungguhnya, cara berjuang di jalan Allah itu
banyak.. sebarkanlah perkara yang benar.. tolong-menolong sesama insan..
berdakwahlah kepada sahabat-sahabatmu..

Ingatlah.. bahawasanya engkaulah peneraju masyarakat dan negara di masa
akan datang..

wallahu 'alam bissawab.. sesungguhnya diri ini memohon maaf sekiranya ada
yang terasa dan terusik dengan kata-kata ini.. segala yang baik datangnya
dari Allah dan segala yang buruk datangnya dari diri yang lemah ini..

Semoga Allah mencucuri roh Sheikh Ahmad Yasin dan menggolongkannya dengan
para mujahid lain. Semoga Allah mencucuri roh umat Islam di bumi ini
dan meletakkan mereka di kalangan orang-orang yang beriman. Ameen.


source : fwded email

Friday, March 12, 2004


fasbir sabran jameela, inahum yaraunahu ba'eeda, wa narahu qareeba

Maka khabarkan kepadaku
tidak lelahkah dikau dalam perjalanan
mari lah rehat bersama ku seketika
kita bersenang lenang dan bergelak ketawa

fa al-yadh-hakuu qaleelan wa al-yabkuu katheeran

"Tidak .. tidak .. jalanku masih panjang
bekalanku masih tidak mencukupi
untuk sampai ke destinasi
pendakian dan pencarian ini harus kuteruskan!"

safaree ba'eed, wa zaady lan yubalighunee

Sabar shaykh, usah terburu-buru
masa terbentang di depan mata
usia pun masih terlalu muda ..

ya 'ibaadiy allazina asrafu 'ala anfusihim la taqnatu min rahmatillah

"Dapatkah kau menjamin kapan
terhentinya masa di dunia
atau kaku nafas tidak bernyawa?

fa seeruu fil ardh

Murtafaq ku bukan di sini
secebis ketenangan memang dapat dihirup
namun ketenangan abadi harumnya di sana
dapat kurasakan laungan itu semakin hampir
melambai lambai memanggil ..

thumma ilayna marji'ukum

Ayuh Juhd! Tunggu apa lagi
pacukan kuda, siapkan kelengkapan
tunjukkan ku ke arah mana haluan kita!"

man jaahada feena lanahdiyannahum subulana

Sesungguhnya darakaat itu mudah,
kerana ia menuruni ikut tarikan duniawi.
Namun darajat itu payah,
kerana ia melawani arus tarikan duniawi.

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Assalamualaikum warahamtullahi wabarakatuh,

Geng Purdue,

Link untuk audio halaqah dan khutbah Jumaat di Masjid Purdue telah ditambah. Sesiapa yang berminat boleh la download dari link berkenaan (Website Faris).

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Love Of Allah

The love of the Beloved
must be unconditionally returned.

If you claim love
yet oppose the Beloved,
then your love is but a pretence

You love the enemies of your Beloved
and still seek love in return.

You fight the beloved of your Beloved.
Is this Love or the following of shaytaan?
True devotion is nothing
but total submission
of body and soul
to One Love.

We have seen humans claim to submit,
yet their loyalties are many.

They put their trust here, and their hope there,
and their love is without consequence.

Friday, March 05, 2004

From Saidina Ali r.a

' There are two things i am fearful of: placing lengthy hopes(in this world) and following desires; lengthy hopes cause one to forget the Hereafter and vain desires divert a person from the truth . This world will pass away and ahead of it lies the Hereafter, and each one has its offspring . so be the children of the Hereafter and not the children of this world. Today is action without recompense and tomorrow is recompense with no action ..... '

Thursday, March 04, 2004

Luxury Test

There are people who think that the affluent people of the world are put through lesser trial since they have wealth and riches to play about. They do not have to worry about their food and shelter. The luxuries of life open their arms for them.

This perception is not true. The Almighty has created this world as a trial and test for all of us. Every one of us undergoes this trial in some form or the other. It is not that only the poor and the needy are put through this test. Affluence also is a form of trial. Here the trial is to test a person regarding his attitude towards the Almighty. He is tested on whether he shows gratitude to the Almighty on His favors and blessings. As such, since a person generally tends to forget his Lord if he is blessed with an affluent life, this trial is perhaps tougher than that of a person who is put through the trial of poverty and adverse circumstances; in such circumstances, a person tends to remember the Lord more - or at least, has more opportunities for this remembrance.

Moreover, affluence is just one form of comfort a person may have. There are people who maybe affluent and very rich, but still have various forms of mental worries, troubles and tribulations.

Besides, having a strong relationship with the Almighty, the best way to fight out the ups and downs of life is to always look at people who are worse off: a cursory glance would bring many to our mind. One will begin to realize what one actually has in contrast with millions of others. Where others have been deprived, he would find himself blessed with many favors.

Excerpt from : Islamicity.com

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

"Allah loves you and He wants you to come to Him. Even if you are stumbling, get up and walk ..just keep walking .."

--Shaykh Mokhtar