
Wednesday, October 29, 2003

Peperangan Badar

Pada 17 Ramadhan tahun kedua Hijrah, telah berlaku satu peristiwa yang amat penting untuk difahami dan dihayati oleh seluruh umat Islam. Peperangan yang menentukan samada Islam akan dianuti atau tidak adalah bergantung pada peperangan ini. Walaupun, berbekalkan dengan jumlah tentera 313 orang namun dengan keimanan, kepatuhan dan ketaatan yang diyakini sungguh-sungguh, akhirnya mereka dapat mengalahkan tentera musyirikin Mekah yang berjumlah seribu orang. Sehinggakan dalam peperangan Badar ini, Rasulullah SAW menadah tangan ke langit memohon doa dari Allah Taala jika tentera Islam ini dikalahkan nescaya tiada manusia akan menganuti agama suci ini. Doa Rasulullah SAW telah dijawab oleh Allah SWT dengan menurunkan bala tenteranya dari langit seperti yang diceritakan di dalam Al Quran iaitu Firman Allah yang bermaksud:

"(Ingatlah), ketika kamu memohon pertolongan kepada Tuhanmu, lalu diperkenankan Nya bagimu. Sesungguhnya Aku akan mendatangkan bantuan kepadamu dengan seribu malaikat yang datang berturut-turut.

Surah Al Anfal:9

Kb, Mihaz, Sue & Aina

Tuesday, October 28, 2003

taken from e-hadith.com:

The Prayer of the Fasting Person Is Never Refused
From Thirty Lessons for those Who Fast
By Aa'id Abdullah Al Qarni
© Message Of Islam

Prophet Muhammad conveyed this in a well known saying: 'To the fasting person there is prayer that is never refused.' That is because the heart of the fasting person is repentant. He has subdued his stubbornness and checked his wild ambitions. Indeed, he has drawn closer to his Lord and obeyed Him. He abandoned his food and drink, fearful of the King, the Bestower. The fasting person has restrained his desires in obedience to the Lord of the heavens and the earth. The Prophet said: 'Supplication is worship.' Thus, if you see a servant begging a lot in prayer, know that he is close to Allah and confident in His Lord.

The companions once said to the Prophet: 'O Messenger of Allah, is our Lord near so that we may confide with Him secretly or is He far that we must cry out to Him?' Thereupon Allah Almighty revealed the following verse of the Quran: 'And if My servants ask thee about Me - behold, I am near; I respond to the call of him who calls, whenever he calls unto Me: let them, then respond unto Me, and believe in Me, so that they might follow the right way' (2:186).

In this same regard the Prophet said to his companions: 'You are not calling upon deaf or absent God. Verily you are calling upon a hearer and seer who is closer to any of you than the neck of his camel.' Supplication is an extended rope and solid divine bond. Hence the Prophet declared: 'No one will be destroyed with supplication.' For this reason Allah Most Merciful exhorts us to call upon Him: 'Call upon your Sustainer humbly, and in the secrecy of your hearts. Verily, He loves not those who transgressthe bounds of what is right' (7:55).

An: 'Call unto me Me, [and] I shall respond to you! Verily, they who are too proud to worship Me will enter hell, abased!' (40:60).

Still, the Prophet said: 'Our Lord descends to the heavens of the earth in the last third of the night and says: "Is there one who asks that I may grant him his request, is ther on who would call that I may answer him, and is ther one who seeks forgiveness that I may forgive him?'

Ramadan is the month of supplication, attainment, repentance and acceptance. O faster whose lips have dried from fasting, whose liver craved for thirst, and whose stomach hungered; call upon your Lord in earnest and be insistent in your request. Remember Allah's description of His servants: 'They would vie with one another in doing good works, and would call unto Us in yearning and awe; and they were always humble before Us' (21:90).

There are certains ethics of supplication that the fasting person should know. They include: the resolcve of the heart and full trust in generosity and favour of Allah. The Prophet said: 'None of you should say, "O my Lord fogive me if You will." He should instead be insistent in his asking because nothing forces Allah.' Among these ethics also is that the servant should praise Allah and send greetings upon his noble Messenger at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of his supplication. The believer should be concious of the times when prayers are answered such as the last third of the night, while prostrating, between the call to prayer (Azaan) and its commencement (Iqamah) , at the end of the compulsory prayers, the last hour of Friday (Yaum-ul-Jum'uah) , after Asr Prayer, and on the day of Arafat . The believer must avoid rhymed prose in supplication, assigning someone to do it, or excesses in it. One should be careful not to invoke sin or the cutting of kindred ties.

O You who fast, know that the inal hour before the setting of the sun is one of the greatest hours of the day. Before the breaking of the fast when hunger has become acute and your thirst most intense, make much supplication, increase your yearning and continue to ask. Note that there is also ans hour before daybreak for you who fast. Therefore, be good to yourself and ask from the Ever-Living the Self-Subsisting because you are poor and He is rich, you are weak and He is strong, you will pass away and He will remain.

The Prophet Abraham prayed: 'O my sustainer, cause me and [some] of my offspring to remain constant in prayer! And, O our Sustainer, accept this my prayer: grant Thy forgiveness unto me, and my parentsm and all the believers, on the Day on which the [last] reckoning will come to pass!' (14:40-1).

Prophet Moses prayed: 'O my sustainer! Open up my heart [to thy light], and make my task easy for me' (20:25).

Prophet Solomon called upon his Lord and asked: 'O my Sustainer! Forgive my sins, and bestow upon me the gift of a kingdom which may not suit anyone after me: verily, Thou aone art a giver of gifts!' (38:35).

In an authentic hadith the Prophet Muhammad prayed: 'O my sustainer! You are the Lord of Gabriel, Mika'il and Israfil. You are the maker of the heavens and the earth. You judge between Your servants in what the differ. Guide me to the truth by Your permission. For you guide whomsoever You will to the straight path.'

There are four advantages to supplication:

First: the realization of worship of Allah Almighty, humbleness towards Him and trust in Him. This is the purpose and fruit of worship.

Second: the answering of one's request either through the granting of good or by the prevention of harm. None other than Allah possesses this power and ability.

Third: to save the reward with Allah if the request is not granted in this world. This is actually better and more beneficial.

Fourth: supplication expresses sincere monotheism through the crushing of dependency on people and yearning for their favour.

O our Lord! Grant us good in this world and good in the Hereafter and save us from the punishment of the fire. O our Lord! Do not cause our hearts to go astry after you have guided and grant us mercy from Yourself. Verily You are the Donor of all good.

may we all benefit from this internet article.

(excerpt from the book 'The Rulings of Ramadan: A Comprehensive Guideline' by Abu `Abdillah Muhammad Al Jibaly)

With the advent of another Ramadaan, a mixture of feelings overwhelm the hearts of Muslims all over the world. The hearts are full of hope, based on truthful promises and glad tidings given by Allah (T) and His Messenger (S), of great bounties and endless bliss.

We have been promised that the past sins will be forgiven for those whose fast is based on belief (Eemaan), sincerity and on truly expecting the rewards from Allah (Ihtisaab).

We also have been promised that past sins will be forgiven for those who offer night prayers (Qiyaam) during the entire month, and who do that with the same two conditions of Eemaan (belief) and Ihtisaab (truly expecting the rewards from Allah).

We have further been told that there is one night in this month which is better (in rewards) than a thousand months of worship, and that all sins will be forgiven for those who spend it offering Qiyaam with both Eeman (belief) and Ihtisaab (truly expecting the rewards from Allah).

We have been told that the devils will be chained down, that the gates of Hell will all be shut and that the gates of Paradise will all be open throughout this month.

We have been told that Allah (T) will free (from punishment) some of his `Ibaad (worshippers) on every single night of Ramadaan.

We have been told that Allah (T) answers the du`aa (supplications) of the fasting person at the iftaar (fast-breaking).

We have been told that Allah (T) multiplies the rewards of fasting beyond the limits of imagination.

We have been told that the fasting person will be joyous and happy when he meets his Lord (T).

We all hope:

* To be from among those who will offer the fast in the correct way, in order to reap its glorious fruits.

* To be granted forgiveness for our previous sins, to be able to do much more good and to overcome all our weaknesses.

* To be among those who receive the gifts from the Jannah, whose gates are opened.

* To humiliate our enemy (Satan), who is chained down, by rejecting any of his deceitful suggestions.

* To be from among those who will receive full atonement for their sins by the end of Ramadaan.

* To be among those who will be most happy with their fasts when they meet their Lord (T).

We further hope that all of us will be pleasing to Allah (T) in order to deserve His mercy and victory.

However, although we have hope, we should also have some concerns in our hearts because there are certain conditions for the fast to be acceptable and to give its desired results. These are Eemaan (belief and sincerity) and Ihtisaab (truly expecting the reward from Allah (T)).

So, are we going to perform our fast with true belief and full surrender to Allah (T), or is it going to be an exercise for us to lose some weight? Are we going to fast because Allah (T) imposed it upon us, or just because we have been used to it from childhood? Are our intentions to please Him or to please our friends and family?

And even when we feel that we satisfy the conditions for an acceptable fast we should still be concerned that our deeds may not be accepted from us because of some deficiency that we may have overlooked. This is the way of the Salaf (Pious Predecessors) and their true followers, some of whom were reported to have said: "I will not feel safe even if I see one of my feet is already in Jannah - not until both of them are in there".

We ask Allah (T) to make the fasting easy upon us, to help us to perform it in the perfect way that pleases Him, to reward us with all the bounties that He promised to the fasting people, to grant victory and supremacy to the Islamic Ummah (nation), and to make our most pleasant and happy day the Day we shall meet with Him.


Chapter 2 will be continued in the next entry, insya Allah

Monday, October 27, 2003

A'uzhu billahi min asy-syaitan ar-rajeem

Detik 12 mlm telah berlalu,
1 Ramadhan tahun ini menutup pintunya,
Terdetik di dalam hati,
Adakah telah ku laluinya dengan sempurna?

Jasad terduduk lesu,
Hati tidak menentu,
Amat dapat dirasai,
Dunia masih beraja dihati.

Tekadkan hati,
Teguhkan langkah,
Untuk terus berdiri,
Di medan perjuangan ramadhan ini.

Esok ramadhan masih menemani,
Tapi adakah aku akan berada di sini?

Allahu a'lam

Sunday, October 26, 2003

Artikel ni diforwardkan oleh Khairi untuk tatapan semua (dia x dpt send sendiri sbb ada technical problem). Harap semua dpt manfaat.

The Perfect Believer - Imam Ibn ul Jawzee

Translated from Sayd ul-Khatir, p. 364
Publ. by Dar Al Yaqeen

The believer is not one who performs the ordained religious duties superficially and avoids what is forbidden only, but he is one whose faith is absolute, with no objection whatsoever arising in his heart and no obsession dwelling in his soul. The more hardships he faces, the more his faith grows and the more his submission strengthens.

He could pray and not see a trace of an answer to his prayers, yet he does not change because he knows that he is owned by One who deals with him in whatever way He chooses. For if an objection was to arise in his heart, he then forsakes the role of the slave and takes on the role of a protester such as that of Iblees (the devil).

A strong faith unveils itself in strong hardships.

A believer sees in Yahya, son of Zakariyya, a fine example. He was killed by a tyrant who confronted him, yet He (subhanahu wa ta`ala), who made him a prophet, did not intervene nor defend him.

Similarly all the tyranny that befell the prophets and the believers was not held back from them. If one goes to think that Divinity cannot answer for them then one is an unbeliever. However if one believes that Divinity can answer for them but chooses not to, and that God (subhanahu wa ta`ala) can make the believers go hungry while infidels are full and inflict the believers with sickness and grant the infidels health, then one is only left with submission to the Owner even when tormented or scorched.

Jacob cried for eighty years when Joseph son of Jacob (peace be upon him) was gone, he never gave up; all he said when his other son was gone too is “May God bring all of them back to me”.

Moses (peace be upon him) prayed against Pharaoh, who killed children and crucified magicians and cut their hands, for 40 years before he was answered.

In such submission the intense of one’s strong faith is manifested not in mere rak`at (bowings in prayer).

So many of those who glorify Qadar were afflicted with tribulations and this did not increase them except in submission and pleasure (with their Lord), and there lies an explanation of the meaning of His words, "Allah is pleased with them" (Qur'an, 5:119 and elsewhere).

Al-Hasan Al-Basree said: people are the same in health but when hardship befalls they show distinction.

Forwarded from: http://www.islaam.com/Article.aspx?id=590

Saturday, October 25, 2003

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Demi memperkenankan, titah Duli Yang Mulia Dipertuan Agong, setelah mendapat perkenan, Majlis Raja- raja, dengan ini diumumkan, bahawa, tarikh 1 Ramadan, 1424 Hijrah, bagi kawasan Lafayette Barat, dan kawasan- kawasan yang sewaktu dengannya, jatuh pada hari Ahad, 26 Oktober, 2003.

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

- Penyimpan Mohor Besar Pusat Islam Lafayette Lebih Besar (Greater Lafayette Islamic Center) -

Debaran memuncak, adakah akan ku bersua dengannya besok atau lusa?

Dub dub.
Dub dub.
Dub dub.
Kuat debaran jantungku berdegup.

Adakah dapat ku bersua dengannya
besok atau lusa?
Pasti dapat ku bersua dengannya,
andainya rembulan pada malam ini bersinar.
Atau akan kutemu dengannya lusa,
andainya rembulan pada malam ini tersirna.

Bulan ini kubelai manja
Ku sisipkan di hati
Ku sirami dengan nur iman
Ku sinari ia dengan amalan
Ku hiasi dengan tadarus al-Qur'an
Dan senarai itu berterusan
Ku pinta padaMu agar ia berterusan
Ku pinta padaMu agar ia berterusan
Ameen ya Rahman

Selamat datang kembali kekasih hati .. Ramadhan fi albi

Sabda RasuluLlah S.A.W. :

“Ramadhan telah datang kepada kamu yang merupakan bulan berkat dan Allah S.W.T telah mewajibkan puasa dalam bulan ini. Semua pintu syurga dibuka dan semua pintu neraka ditutup serta dibelenggu syaitan. Ia mempunyai satu malam yang lebih baik dari seribu bulan dan sesiapa yang tidak bertemu dengannya ia sangat rugi.”

Ibn Rejab berkata: Hadis ini sebagai ucapan tahniah kepada manusia dengan kedatangan Ramadhan. Bagaimana orang beriman tidak bergembira dengan terbukanya pintu syurga? Dan bagaimana orang berdosa tidak gembira dengan tertutupnya pintu neraka? Dan bagaimana pula orang berakal tidak mendapat berita gembira dengan terbelenggunya syaitan?

Sayyidina Ali r.a apabila masuk Ramadhan beliau terus mengadap mihrabnya dengan tangisan orang yang sedih seraya berkata:

Maksudnya: “Wahai dunia, samada engkau datang kepada ku atau lari daripadaku, aku tetap telah menceraikan engkau dengan talak tiga dan tidak mungkin lagi aku kembali kepadamu, ini kerana sebenarnya umur engkau terlalu pendek, urusan engkau terlalu hina dan bahaya engkau terlalu besar. Oh! Alangkah sedikitnya bekalanku, tetapi perjalananku masih terlalu jauh dan rumit”

*insha Allah, nantikan announcement when is Ramadhan at http://tazkirahpurdue.blogspot.com

Wednesday, October 22, 2003

"Kringgggg......." Gedegang!!

Lan memukul keras jamnya itu. "Bisingnya jam. Pukul berapa ni? Alahhh, baru pukul 4.30. Mesti salah kunci semalam." Tidur balik.

"Kringgggg......." Gedegang!! Butang 'snooze' memainkan peranannya kali ini. Jari Lan meraba- raba mencari tombol 'snooze'. Tidur balik. Perjuangan mesti diteruskan.

"Kringgggg....." Bunyi lagi? Tangan Lan meraba- raba ke mana pergi jamnya. "Hoi, ni bunyi jam aku la, bukan jam ko. Ko ni tak nak bangun sahur ke? Karang habis waktu, baru tau perut lapar." Kali ini, jam Man pulak yang bunyi. "Ni aku kunci nak suruh ko bangun jugak. Bangun la kejap weh, ambik berkat sahur. Minum air segelas pun takpe, tau tak?" Lan menggeliat manja. Namun geliatan manjanya itu tidak dihiraukan rakan serumahnya yang bergegas ke dapur untuk menyambung sahurnya.

Dalam ke'mamai'an Lan, baru dia teringat dia sendiri yg kunci jam locengnya semalam. Hari ni kan hari first puasa. Huu, dalam pada semangat dok kunci, terlupa lak sebab tengah mamai tidur. "Takpe, takpe...yg penting kita makan dulu."


"Kringgggg......." Gedegang!!

Lan memukul keras jamnya itu. Jam tepat 5.30. Kali ni, dia dah sedar. Lan nak buktikan kat housemates dia yg dia ni takde la susah sangat nak bangun sahur. Mana taknya, tiap2 hari housemates dia sindir- sindir pasal bangun sahur.

"Huh, kali ni biar aku pulak kejut diorang. Berlagak manjang dapat bangun sahur...Hmm, apa- apa hal pun makan dulu. Biar masa dah nak habis lagi 2, 3 minit, baru kejut. Ahh, such a perfect plan of revenge..nguhahaha....", gelak Lan sendirian.

Lan pergi ke dapur. "Eh, nasi sejuk. Sepul lupa ke nak masak semalam? Nasi sejuk pun, nasi sejuklah. Dengan telur goreng kicap pun masyuk apa..." Goreng telur, taruk kicap, jalan....
Tengah- tengah khusyuk Lan menatap juadah sahurnya itu, pintu rumah dibukak. "Hoi, ko buat apa ni Lan?!! Baru pukul berapa ni? "Eh, apa pulak, tengah makan la...dah dekat pukul 6....Kejap lagi masuk la subuh ni..Yang korang ni dari mana? Aku ingatkan tidur dalam bilik..."
"Memang la pukul 6 bang, tapi pukul 6 petang, bukan 6 pagi. Tu la orang cakap, suruh bayar bil letrik, degil. Kan satu rumah dah gelap. Tingkap bukannya reti nak bukak. Tidur lepas Asar pulak tu..." Tegur Man sambil Sepul terbahak2 di muka pintu dapur

1. Tak elok simpan dendam.
2. Kejut member bangun sahur elok- elok.
3. Bayar bil elektrik awal.

- Selamat Bersahur dan Selamat Berpuasa -

Sahih Bukhari, Volume 3, Book 31, Number 146:
Narrated Anas bin Malik:

The Prophet said, "Take Suhur as there is a blessing in it."

Nick2 messenger sempena menyambut kedatangan Ramadhan

ibnu jamil - nekadku padamu pitman...bimbinglah aku di Ramadhan ni dan seterusnya.Thanks sbb selalu mengingatkan :)

brotherfaiz (selamat datang kembali kekasih hati .. ramadhan fi albi)

'afaf..ahlan RAMADAN!! happy fasting everyone..

hawa -- maaf zahir batin semua :D moga Ramadhan kali ini lebih baik dari sblmnya..

Ridha - Got Ramadhan Spirit?

(r) Ahlan Wasahlan Ya Shahrun Ramadhan (r)

Masya Allah... nampaknya semua tak sabar-sabar nak bertemu ramadhan. Keep the spirit up, insya Allah. Harapnya bahang kegembiraan menyambut ramadhan bukan sekadar hangat-hangat tahi ayam. Semoga niat dan semangat untuk memperbaiki diri terus membara hingga ke akhir ramadhan.

Ramadhan Mubarak....

A Bedouin came to the Prophet and said, “Tell me of such a deed as will make me enter Paradise, if I do it.” The Prophet said, “Worship Allah, and worship none along with Him, offer the (five) prescribed compulsory prayers perfectly, pay the compulsory Zakat, and fast the month of Ramadhan.” The Bedouin said, “By Him, in Whose Hands my life is, I will not do more than this.” When he (the Bedouin) left, the Prophet (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) said, “Whoever likes to see a man of Al-Jannah, then he may look at this man.”

taken from : Hadeeth.com